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A hypertonic female patient with lower leg varices is shown.

A hypertonic female patient with lower leg varices is shown. The wound on the outer left lower leg developed after a mechanic trauma after an injury caused by a wooden board.

  1. The wound has already been treated with Tecasorb
  2. There are Tecasorb fibre residues in the adjacent area.
  3. The adjacent area is cleansed with olive oil
  4. A gauze pad soaked in cleansing solution is placed onto the wound for 5 minutes
  5. The adjacent skin in the diameter of up to 10 cm is infiltrated and slightly erythematous
  6. There are crusts and scales that prevent healing. Paradoxically, patients are afraid of having them removed, as they fear that the wound might expand.
  7. Scales are removed painlessly with a single use curette to uncover epithelised areas
  8. The defect is cleansed with a disinfecting solution
  9. The adjacent area is covered with a thin layer of indifferent zinc ointment
  10. Tecasorb dressing is applied
  11. Hydrophilic bandage is applied
  12. It is not necessary to use compression in this case.


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